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Media & Technology 

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Dash Robot

K-2 tech


Kindergarten mainly

This little creature is teaching Kindergarten through 2nd grade about directional/arrow coding. Using arrows to write an algorithm, then programing the BeeBot is fun! Real world connection: this is a similar system to an On-Board Navigation System or GPS.


We are learning more about directional coding at Moving characters through mazes takes some thinking and the right algorithm. Move that bee to a flower! Get that Angry Bird to the Pig!



EVO the Ozobot is the smallest robot in the world. This little guy reads line codes and travels along according to the colored algorithm. Students are also learning to control EVO with an iPad and through Ozoblockly coding on the Chromebooks and iPads.

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3-5 Tech


Students are building on the prior knowledge of blockly coding. We are adding conditional statements (If/Then) to our algorithms for more control over our characters. Coding is fun!



Ozobots are the smallest robots in the world! Evo is a line robot that follows colored lines, just like some warehouse robots. Evo can read color codes to u-turn, spin, pause and more. Evo teaches us that we need to think through a problem before we can write an algorithm to solve it! Hmmmm, sounds like computational thinking!


3rd-5th grade

Students are exploring Blockly coding on both sites. Writing an algorithm with blocks of code and clicking them together makes characters move to complete challenges. Go Zombie! Dash Dragons!

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6-8 Tech

Media Literacy

6th-8th grades

We have been working on a unit about properly citing your sources on the internet and plagiarism. This includes using pictures, video, paragraphs and quotes. Students were educated on the use of Creative Commons. These are free resources that can be used according to the creator's rules.

6th-8th grade

Students are writing algorithms with Blockly code to move characters through a maze, complete drawing tasks and more. Codes are programmed using loops, functions, and variables.


6th-8th grades

Our EVO, the Ozobot is the smallest robot in the world. The Middle School students quickly mastered line codes for this little fellow. They are now creating Ozoblockly algorithms on the Chromebook to navigate in the Shape Tracer website. Their next step? Creating their own Shape Tracer challenge! Look for Shape Tracer 2 coming soon!

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